I’m Coming Back, I Promise!

So it’s been over a month since my last post so I thought I should explain what’s been going on and why the hell I haven’t been blogging as much as I would have liked.

At the start of the year I was still an apprentice at my job. I had a ton of work I needed to do in order to finish my apprenticeship on time so that was my top priority. My apprenticeship officially finished on 3rd March so I am now a proper employee of App Institute. I’m loving my job and I want to be successful and productive in it, so that’s mainly the reason why I haven’t been blogging on here!

Another reason is because I have literally been laptop-less for the past 3 years as I couldn’t be bothered to replace the battery. I finally did and now I can finally get back to it! So now I don’t have to use my mum’s crappy thing.

I’ve got till the end of March to finish any work I have left over from the apprenticeship so I’m going to be doing that for the next few days so that I can finally forget about it. So bare with me for a few more weeks and I’ll be back. I’ve got loads of things I want to write about and things I need to say, so watch this space!

Week 4 Update: Work, Work, Work, Weightloss!

So it’s the fouth week of January and I’m STILL getting back into the swing of things. The office was closed for 11 days over Christmas so I had a lot of time off and it kind of made me lazy. It’s the third full week back at work and I am almost back to normal. I just thought I would do a little check-in on my progress so far this year. Continue reading

Most Recent Buys!

It’s not a regular thing, buying clothes, I usually don’t have money to spare on things for myself so when I find myself with a few extra spendo’s, I like to treat myself. A few days after Boxing Day, I hopped on the bus to Nottingham to do a bit of shopping. I originally went in to find a pair of shoes for New Year’s Eve but was unsuccessful with that. I wasn’t going home any time soon so I had a walk round some other shops. Continue reading

Happy New Year!

Another year gone, but a fresh blank page to start my 365 page book. Reflecting on the last year as I laid in bed this morning (1st January 2015), and I tried to put the year together. It’s been a steady one. I started my apprenticeship at the end of February and I’ve progressed and learnt so much. I can honestly say I look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work, not many people my age can say that. I am looking forward to getting back to work, starting a new year and seeing what I get up to! Continue reading